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COMMUNITY PROJECT LOG What are you working on?
- Wallace Boss said I’ve taken up an exciting concept of a site promoting...
- monte merrick said working on poems – working on a poetry series here on...
- Lee Vervoort said I am working on completing my first feature film.
- Jamie Stellini said I’m working on a project called ’52 Songs,’...
- damian Lanahan-Kalish said I’m working on blog where I list one idea for somethin...
Tip (and Technique) Jar
- Andy Crockett said For me the key to making art is to stay open and curious and...
- Xian said When stuck, find a window preferably with a view or at least...
- Julia Park Tracey said I always tell my students about the a**-in-the-chair method...
- Erin B. said It’s only taken a dozen years or so, but I’m fin...
- My other site is a CecilVortex.com
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- Creating Passionate Users
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- John Kricfalusi's 'All Kinds of Stuff'
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- mycoted: Creativity and Innovation
- National Novel Writing Month
- Scott Berkun and The Myths of Innovation
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capture tools
Frank Oz
Hugh MacLeod
Jim Henson
mechanical art
play patterns
Erin B.
April 10, 2009 at 4:00 pm
Well, I’m always working on something writing-related — that’s the bread and butter. These days, it’s a trivia demo for a high-profile celebrity web site. I’m also editing two separate book projects for others. My challenge and creative outlet though is my picture-a-day blog. It’s proven a training ground in sticktoitiveness, however. More accurately, it should be called, A Picture a Day If I Get To It.
Julia Park Tracey
April 10, 2009 at 5:42 pm
Just finished a 20-year project — a book of collected poems — and am in the promotion stage. What’s next? I’m thinking either a book on spirituality or a feminist Western.
April 10, 2009 at 5:43 pm
Teaching myself a few new songs on the ukulele: Candyman, Willin’, Boodle-Am Shake, and First There is a Mountain.
Ryan Lee Short
April 13, 2009 at 5:07 pm
In addition to an attempt at flooding the market with another podcast
starring a local Internet Celebrity, I am: in the planning stages of a
modern musical about the marginalized members of society,
brainstorming a stage play about the collapse of an awkward
relationship, and still trying, after seven years, to get past page 75
of The Brilliant Romantic Comedy Screenplay That Brazenly Bucks All Of
Those Tired Cliches. Also, I’m working on my run-on sentences.
Andy Crockett
April 21, 2009 at 8:49 am
I’m currently working on a series of “nonrepresentational, abstract” acrylic paintings for a show at a local gallery next year. I’m also revising poems that I’ve written in the past few years.
Tony Jonick
April 29, 2009 at 12:28 pm
I’m working on a science fiction novel set in Oakland-Berkeley that takes place across three different dimensions. Plus a music video for my group at Apple. I just finished a script for a kids musical play which will be staged at Children’s Fairyland.
May 3, 2009 at 8:45 am
Maintaining the Wikipedia listing for Alexander Technique with a major edit this time is what I’ve just been doing this morning. I’m casting around for illustration images and captions for my newest article on the same subject that turned into an e-book because it got too long. Next will be figuring out how to sell e-books on my website.
Mell’s Mess is a tricky juggling pattern, but I’m closer with the help of youtube.
Carefully dissected a garage sale concertina yesterday to found out the only reason it doesn’t hold air is the flexible material in between the batting had crumbled, probably from heat stress. Once fixed, it could be a great traveling instrument for the trouble of finding the right sort of flexible glue that works on material.
The array mbira will get jealous that it has to stay home!
laura wiley
May 20, 2009 at 11:33 am
This year I’ll turn 43, and I’ve decided to change my definition of creative success. Instead of sending out poems and stories and jpegs of art and demo cds and then receiving rejections accompanied by encouragement, I’ve become frustrated and ,ultimately, more philosophical. My new definition of success is completion. I’m focussing on finishing artistic projects regardless of whether there will be some outside validation. I just finished writing a play, and now I’m polishing all my poems for a book of poetry I will self-publish. I’m also working on writing songs for a new flute cd. And I’ve started singing again. It’s something I’ve missed.
damian Lanahan-Kalish
May 21, 2009 at 6:25 pm
I’m working on blog where I list one idea for something I want to work on every week I’ve done sixteen so far here it is: http://gotprojects.blogspot.com/
Jamie Stellini
August 3, 2009 at 1:36 pm
I’m working on a project called ’52 Songs,’ writing and recording one song a week for one year. I’m only on week 5 but I’ve already had an amazing experience with it, it’s totally changed the way I approach songwriting and the creative process in general. Plus, it’s so unbelievably gratifying to have new material and to know that I’ve created something new every week. You can here the songs I’ve completed so far here: http://www.theweeklysong.com
Lee Vervoort
August 23, 2009 at 9:11 pm
I am working on completing my first feature film.
monte merrick
January 27, 2010 at 7:53 pm
working on poems – working on a poetry series here on the northcoast – working on a non-profit that will advocate for seabirds…tomorrow going to play greer from the hawkline monster for a workshop – filming the first chapter – the killing of the deputy…
Wallace Boss
June 24, 2010 at 3:14 pm
I’ve taken up an exciting concept of a site promoting integrated thinking between the so-called left and right brain hemispheres. I have for three years been producing a source project, a video periodical (issue #9 completed) with 60 or so interviews so far, each 10 minutes long, about the creative process. Here’s a trailer: http://ideaculture.wordpress.com/friends-of-idea-culture/
Here are elements I’m considering would be ideal to include in the one webspace:
• An online weekly salon discussing creative expression (conducted offline, as well).
I am a serial discussion group attendee and wish to promote this dynamic.
• Collective-intelligence games of meaning.
• Games of expression which users can save to the site. Example: this cool amoeba sphere thing: http://www.cesmes.fi/#balls2
Or the ‘interactive toys’ within Ze Franks playspace (Geez, I just discovered his talk on TED.com, I’ll have to watch later): http://www.zefrank.com/
• Open source, interface collages. Perhaps we will even have several arts integrated into a performance situation.
• User-generated video insights.
• Interviews from the Muse in long and short forms. Some may incorporate ‘RSA’-type Animation, if possible. http://comment.rsablogs.org.uk/videos/